Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov. 5th - A better day

Well, sorry for the downer post yesterday, but it was one of those days. This morning was still a bit of a struggle with Aidan as far as getting dressed goes, but today I just let him wear the shorts and t-shirt he wanted to put on and hopefully he'll figure out that eventually it will be too cold to wear them. He has figured out that he can wear his coat over a short sleeve shirt so that is his argument for wanting to wear short sleeves, Mommy, I can wear my coat over it and wont be cold.

The mornings have been cute lately as far as when they both first get up. Emma is usually up first which is always pretty early so I bring her back in our room and lay in the bed with her and shortly after that Aidan comes in the room and the 3 of us snuggle in the bed and watch cartoons for a bit before we get up. I finally got up and went to look for some clothes to change Emma into and hear Aidan saying "Donna!, Donna!" well, I am certainly not answering to that and waited a minute and he finally started saying; "Mommy, Mommy! He must hear Aunt Lori and Cooper saying my name and now he realizes I have another name besides Mommy, great! ha ha!

I'm still working with Emma and her sleep schedule, it has been a real challenge to me or I guess I should say Emma is a challenge when it comes to sleeping through the night. We never had any major issues with Aidan on sleeping or going to bed by himself, although recently he has wanted us to lay in the bed with him for a while b/c of the monsters in his room. I'm not sure where this came from or why all the sudden he thinks their are monsters in there. But, last night Emma did pretty well going to bed with her baby dolls tucked in beside her and taking a paci to help soothe her to sleep instead of me. Now, I just need to get her to not get up 2-3 times during the night.

I promise next post I will put some sort of pictures or video up.


  1. Snuggling in bed in the mornings is the best!

    And hey, I wear coats over short sleeves all the time, LOL. The buildings I work in tend to be warm, and I'm on my feet walking around a lot, so long sleeves are usually too cold. At least he'll wear a coat!

  2. I can just imagine Aidan saying "Donna, Donna".. Too funny how they pick up on everything. Emma is just like the energizer bunny. To much to do and everything is too interesting for her right now. I wish i could bottle the energy these kids have and have some for myself. I would definitely be super Mom then.
    I hope things get easier for Emma and she starts to make it through the night soon.
