Thursday, February 25, 2010

Potty Time

It has been so long since I have blogged last, I don't even know if I have any followers other than my sister, Mom and cousin. Aidan has made a huge leap in potty training lately. He has been sooo stubborn about using the potty this past year. He is sucessfully peeing in the potty with a few accidents here and there, but he seriously does not want to poo on the potty. I'm hoping this will come in time and that he is just too busy to worry about making it in time. I do have to blame myself and hubby on this issue as we have been a bit lazy when it comes to being consistant with potty training, esp. during the week, we are both so tired at the end of the day and that is seriously the last thing we think about, remembering to put him on the potty every 30-45 minutes. Hopefully we can both get on board and be consisitant and help him along with his training. I'm ready for warmer weather so we can practice a bit more with wearing underwear and less clothes and less mess. During this process Emma has gotten interested in the potty and has sucessfully peed several times. It looks like I may be potty training them at the same time! ha!

I can't believe Emma is getting ready to turn 2 in March and Aidan will be 4 in May, time really flies by like the saying goes. Emma is really turning into a toddler these days, saying more and more each day and really loves to sing and dance. I need to get her involved in some gymnastics or something like that b/c I know she would love and benefit from it. Last night she was cracking me, well to back up a bit she has always loved to stand on her tippy toes, which is her nickname her Papa Rick gave her. But, she was trying to stand on the tip of her toes, not just at point, she kept trying to do it over and over. It makes me wonder at this age what goes through their minds when they try these new things?

1 comment:

  1. Potty training is SO not on my radar right now. Carter has shown 0 interest, and like you, I feel like I have enough on my plate without pushing him to do something he's not ready for anyway. So we wait. :-)

    Mom said you to Emma to Little Gym this morning. I hope it was fun!
