Monday, March 15, 2010

Stomach Virus, Siblings, Turning 2

Well, to recap what I have been dealing with this month so far...

  1. Woke up to get Emma one morning to find out she had thrown up all over her bed and didn't seem to care so went back to sleep nastiness. Then, proceeded to have about 8 or so lost count after a while blow outs from the time she woke up until I attempted to leave the house for the day, all in about an hour if you are wondering. She seemed to get over it by the next day didn't really think about it until I started feeling sick, then it was Aidan's turn, then Daddy, good times!
  2. Had some cute brother/sister moments lately and some not so cute. We went to a Bounce House recently and Emma is such the daredevil she will climb a ladder to a 2 story bouncy house to go down the big slide, loves it! So, she was climbing, slowly up the ladder and there are always big kids at these places barrelling through, ugh. But, one was trying to push his way past Emma and Aidan yelled at him and said, "Don't you hurt my sister!" awww, big brother! Then, I was told something similar happened at school on the playground. They usually separate the age groups but this day they didn't have too many kids so they let them all play together, well Emma gets knocked down by one of the boys in Aidan's class and he said the same thing to him, "Don't hurt my sister!", when I asked him about it later he also told me he tried to pull his hair, which I tried to tell him that he should definitely not pull hair but he can tell the other kids to be careful around his sister. Too cute! But, then on the other hand they have really started fighting a lot, I guess its ok for him to hurt his sister! I'm constantly pulling them apart or trying to get in the middle to separate them.
  3. My baby girl is turning 2 in a week and a half, I just can't believe it! She is such a funny little thing. I'm so amazed at how different Aidan and Emma have been when they were babies. I do feel like I have missed so much with Emma b/c she's my 2nd and I just don't have the time I did when it was just Aidan. I've tried to enjoy every moment I could with the both of them, they are growing up so fast. Lately, I love the little moments Emma and I have alone when she's in my lap being silly and making funny faces. She loves to get super close to my eyes with hers and laugh. She's really starting to say more words, but I still can't imagine her as a full blown talker yet, that is going to be so cute when she does start talking more. Mostly she is singing songs that she has learned and some that I think she has made up herself!

Hopefully I can post some updated pictures soon!

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