Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov. 4th - How do I feel today? Defeated

Who ever made up the name Terrible Twos hadn't met there Three year old yet. Twos were nothing compared to Three's! I can handle a tantrum, at times they are almost comical, but a three year old can go into a rage that is hard to describe.

Most mornings go pretty well, they are always a little challenging since its just me trying to get ready and get both kids ready for school and out the door at a decent time. This morning was difficult and left me feeling defeated as a mommy. Aidan is having an extremely tough time going from summer to fall clothes, he still wants to wear his t-shirts and shorts, I don't blame him, I'm not a big fan of winter clothes either. But, he pitched a major fit this morning about not wanting to wear "long shorts" which is how he refers to pants and we went back and forth until I put the pants on him after which he just took them off and threw them across the room. Emma wanting my attention the whole time was making it a little more difficult to get Aidan's attention and try to get him to listen to me over her crying and trying to get me to pick her up. On top of the rage fit as I like to refer to it rather than a tantrum, b/c its much worse, he has a stye in his eye that we orginally thought was pink eye, but looks like he has a pimple in the corner of his eye and the whites of his eye are still white, well during his rage he somehow popped it and it started bleeding, which my immediate reaction was oh no I'm going to have to take him directly to the doctors office. But, we got it wiped off and it stopped bleeding pretty quickly, but he freaked out over seeing the blood and me mentioning the doctors office and it everything started all over again. At one point Emma got near him when he was kicking and screaming and got knocked down which of course made me really angry, so I finally decided to leave him upstairs alone and ignore him. It worked pretty well and he ended up coming downstairs shortly like nothing had happened. Needless to say we left the house with him just in a t-shirt and diaper! He finally put the pants on when we got to Grandma's house 30 min later.


  1. *HUGS*

    What a sucky start to your day!

  2. Thank you, I need a hug!! Some days are harder than others, but I know I will get through it. Today was a better day!
